Drawings & dolls can be purchased — come to http://razblint.etsy.com, see what’s up today. Each of the drawings on the site can be purchased, just click on the links above each image for sizes & details.
You can commission a doll or a drawing … anything is possible!
My dolls have been featured in Paper Magazine,
and they have been in the 2012 July Delpy film 2 Days in New York.
My artwork has been profiled in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
used in the Stanford Lawyer magazine,
and included in The Washington Post’s Style Blog.
Anything else? Just write to Margaret {at} MargaretHagan {dot} Com. And follow me on Twitter, @MargaretHagan !
All of the projects are by Margaret, unless indicated otherwise. Thanks for visiting!
Final question: What does Razblint mean? Answer: Nothing.
Your law school drawings are fabulous!!!! Perfect little study guides, or charming diversions, I love them. Thanks from a 1L at the University of New Mexico School of Law.
Thanks! Good luck on your exams, hope the drawings give a little bit of help
Hey M!
Still loving what you do – just saw your Singapre Postcard picture and love it. Can I order a print to be sent to Belfast or do you only send to USA?
Hope you are doing grand,
Hey Ned! How is Belfast?
Sure, I can ship anywhere
Greetings from California!!
I love your illustration “Did You Know: Everything Is Turkish”. You couldn’t have summarized stereotypical beliefs and habits of Turks better! Having grown up there, I can definitely say that your observations are very accurate!
Thanks! That is high praise
I love all of your drawings, specially drawings about Turkey.
I just came home from Istanbul after two weeks of vacation. It was awesome! May I ask you which tool you are using when you draw?
I somehow found your site on the internet and i can’t tell you how excited I am. As a visual learner, I have to find innovative ways to really get a handle on the material, and finding decent supplements online is no easy feat! thank you SO much for sharing your art!!! would you happen to have any more drawings about Business associations, con law, property ,or crim law??
You can see more here: https://www.legaltechdesign.com/visualawlibrary/
By Post Author
Thank you so much for the beautiful map of Cincinnati. Your Uncle Karl works with my husband. We will be placing this wonderful piece of art in the auction for our upcoming golf tournament honoring our daughter, Meagan Toothman. Each year we hold the golf tournament which then provides scholarships at Turpin High School, Wittenberg University, and the University of Cincinnati, all places that helped Meagan find her passions and mold her into the person she became. These scholarships ensure Meagan’s work and her legacy continue.
Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and most of all for sharing your talent with us.
With much gratitude,
Melissa, Tim, and Forever Meagan