To Do: DIY Fabric Printing


In my quest to emblazon all fabric in my vicinity with my mind visions, I’ve compiled a small list of ways to transfer images — digital or otherwise — to clothing or even just sheets of fabric.  I have yet to try out any of them, so no guarantees!  But here’s a primer to get started with.

(1) Stencils!  Make a fabric stencil out of any picture, image editing software, household goods and then employ screenprinting ink for a durable image, though it does seem to take a lot of time and very exact hands —
Another T-Shirt StencilMore DIY How To Projects
(2) Use Citrasolv to transfer copied images from the copy paper to fabric — potentially pleasant/dangerous fumes involved.  Again, Instructables has the tutorial.

Fabric Printing with Citra-SolvMore DIY How To Projects

(3) Homemade silkscreens, using old stockings, fabric glue and embroidery hoops.  I like this, non-toxic and all cheap materials!  There are three tutorials in this project, all here.

I’ll post later as I follow the methods, I want to put Dorky Dinosaurs & Grandmas on everything I can…